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Munir Ahmad


[1] Credential / Digital Badges



About Me


Munir Ahmad



About Me

I have more than 15 years of experience working in multinational companies in manufacturing, consulting, and finance business. Most of my time was spent on learning and development field; training and coaching.

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Coaching Type

Eksekutif (Pengembangan Kepemimpinan) Hubungan interpersonal Pengembangan diri Pengenalan dunia kerja Penggalian Potensi Perusahaan / Organisasi


Bahasa Indonesia


Communication Education Emotional Intelligence Habit Health and Wellness Interpersonal Skills Leadership Development Managing People Personal Development Presentation Skills

Target Audiences

Individu Kontributor Individu / Staff Manajer / Supervisor / Team Leader Student / Mahasiswa

Package & Program

First Time Manager Transition

4 sessions in 4 weeks (@60 minutes) • Rp. 3.600.000

About this Program:

Changing role from individual contributor to become a supervisor or manager can be challenging. While most employee want promotion, not everyone promoted can seamlessly adjust with the new role.

This coaching program will help your have better transition process from individual contributor to supervisor.

Topic dicussions:

Role changing Leadership Communication

Finding Fulfilling Life

4 sessions in 4 weeks (@60 minutes) • Rp. 4.800.000

About this Program:

Balanced life does not mean everything has equal weight. Balanced life means know what are important things for you and make sure it has sufficient resources allocation and fulfilled.

This program can help you identify your important things and find balanced in your life.

Topic dicussions:

Life goals Life style Work life balance

Starting a Career

4 sessions in 4 weeks (@60 minutes) • Rp. 2.400.000

About this Program:

Life after college/university can be less beautiful that what most people imagine. Especially in current digital technology era, when we not only compete with other people, but also with artificial intelligence (at least in some fields).

Graduated from college/university means new beginning. It's a new chapter of life where we can decide to continue something we have started or explore new things.

This program will facilitate you to find your way ahead.

Topic dicussions:

Finding the right jobs Interview preparation Personal branding Personality


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